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Verbs Sheet 3: Most Used English Verbs

This list provides top 100 most used English verbs

  1. be
  2. have
  3. do
  4. say
  5. go
  6. can
  7. get
  8. would
  9. make
  10. know
  11. will
  12. think
  13. take
  14. see
  15. come
  16. could
  17. want
  18. look
  19. use
  20. find
  21. give
  22. tell
  23. work
  24. may
  25. should
  26. call
  27. try
  28. ask
  29. need
  30. feel
  31. become
  32. leave
  33. put
  34. mean
  1. keep
  2. let
  3. begin
  4. seem
  5. help
  6. talk
  7. turn
  8. start
  9. might
  10. show
  11. hear
  12. play
  13. run
  14. move
  15. like
  16. live
  17. believe
  18. hold
  19. bring
  20. happen
  21. must
  22. write
  23. provide
  24. sit
  25. stand
  26. lose
  27. pay
  28. meet
  29. include
  30. continue
  31. set
  32. learn
  33. change
  1. lead
  2. understand
  3. watch
  4. follow
  5. stop
  6. create
  7. speak
  8. read
  9. allow
  10. add
  11. spend
  12. grow
  13. open
  14. walk
  15. win
  16. offer
  17. remember
  18. love
  19. consider
  20. appear
  21. buy
  22. wait
  23. serve
  24. die
  25. send
  26. expect
  27. build
  28. stay
  29. fall
  30. cut
  31. reach
  32. kill
  33. remain


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets:
- the future simple (e.g.: I will dance)
- the future continuous (e.g.: I will be dancing)

  1. I promise I ________________ (call) you as soon as I have any news.
  2. This time tomorrow Tom ________________ (fly) over the Atlantic on his way to Boston.
  3. Those bags look heavy. I ________________ (carry) one of them for you.
  4. They are getting married on Saturday. All the guests ________________ (wear) white.
  5. The following week they ________________ (enjoy) the sun in the West Indies.
  6. The sky is a bit cloudy. ________________ (rain) do you think?
  7. If you look at this map you ________________ (see) where the islands are.
  8. You should have no problem finding him. He ________________ (carry) a guitar.

Answer Key

  1. will call
  2. will be flying
  3. will carry
  4. will be wearing
  5. will be enjoying
  6. will it
  7. will see
  8. will be carrying