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Lessons and exercises


Singular and Plural Nouns Sheet 2

A singular noun means that the noun is referring to the name of one person, place, or thing.

example: The boy was running fast.

There is only one boy in the sentence, so the word 'boy' is a singular noun.

A plural noun means that the noun is referring to the names more than one person, place, or thing.

example: Two cars were broken by the men.

There is more than one car, so the word 'cars' is a plural noun. Also there is more than one man, so the word 'men' is a plural noun too.

Underline the noun in the given sentences and on the line in each row write whether the noun is singular or plural.

  1. The dog jumped high. _________________________________________
  2. Two of the glasses are broken. _________________________________________
  3. That old man is very generous. _________________________________________
  4. They gifted her a nice toy. _________________________________________
  5. Please call the doctor now. _________________________________________
  6. My sticks are broken. _________________________________________
  7. Have you seen my kids? _________________________________________
  8. That woman is old. _________________________________________
  9. The bird flew in the sky. _________________________________________
  10. There are five fish in the pond. _________________________________________

Answer Key

  1. The dog jumped high. singular
  2. Two of the glasses are broken. plural
  3. That old man is very generous. singular
  4. They gifted her a nice toy. plural
  5. Please call the doctor now. singular
  6. My sticks are broken. singular
  7. Have you seen my kids? plural
  8. That woman is old. singular
  9. The bird flew in the sky. singular
  10. There are five fish in the pond. plural

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