Greetings and introductions in English 
Greetings and introductions basic English lesson
During this English lesson you will start learning about greetings and introductions. The lesson has 2 videos to to help you with learning and the last part of the lesson shows examples of some brief conversions between 2 people.
Basic greeting and replies
Greeting and introductions
To use the video slide show click on the play button and use the arrow keys to move to the next slide.
Examples = hello / goodbye / good morning / good afternoon / good evening /
Learning basic English greetings and introductions part 2
English greeting and introductions that are used for introducing strangers.
The following is about a conversion where a third person is being introduced to another person.
Mr Bean, I don't think that you have met Mrs Smith.
Mr Bean,I don't think you know Mrs Smith
Mr Bean, May I introduce you to Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith, do you know Mr Bean?
Mr Bean, I'd like you to meet Mrs Smith
Below is a conversion where a third person is being introduced to the other person.
***** The name that is in bold writing, "Paul:" is the person that is talking and is introducing Peter to Debbie *****
Paul: Peter, I'd like you to meet Debbie.
Peter: Hello Debbie how are you? (Peter is now talking and replying to Debbie)
Debbie: I am fine thank you, how are you. (Debbie is now replying to Peter)
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us
How to be more polite and nice when greeting someone?
To be more polite and nice, say "It's a pleasure to meet you." or "Pleased to meet you.".
Paul: John, I'd like you to meet Debbie.
John: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Debbie: How do you do.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us
Paul: John, I'd like you to meet Debbie.
John: How do you do ?
Debbie: I am Pleased to meet you john.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us
Greeting and introductions video 2
The second video on greetings and introductions shows you how to do greetings before conversation, greetings in business, a class room and at a party.
Sometime people will just introduce themselves using names only.
Paul: Peter, this is Debbie.
John: How do you do?
Debbie: Pleased to meet you.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us
English people like to shake hands when they meet someone or they are being introduced. Hand shakes normally only takes place in more formal, business situations. Otherwise, people will say "Hi." or "Hello.", older people still like to shake hands.
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