Verbs beginning with S - list learning English basics
What will I learn from the English lesson a list verbs beginning with S?
This lesson is a list of verbs beginning with S to help when you are unsure if a word is a verb or not. It is important not to try and remember the verbs, but just to use the list as a reference guide to help you.
How do I use this English book of verbs? A to Z
Click on each letter of the alphabet to get the list of the idioms with an explanation of each.
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ]
Verbs Beginning with S
- sack
- sail
- satisfy
- save
- saw
- scare
- scatter
- scold
- scorch
- scrape
- scratch
- scream
- screw
- scribble
- scrub
- seal
- search
- separate
- serve
- settle
- shade
- share
- shave
- shelter
- shiver
- shock
- shop
- shrug
- sigh
- sign
- signal
- sin
- sip
- ski
- skip
- slap
- slip
- slow
- smash
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snatch
- sneeze
- sniff
- snore
- snow
- soak
- soothe
- sound
- spare
- spark
- sparkle
- spell
- spill
- spoil
- spot
- spray
- sprout
- squash
- squeak
- squeal
- squeeze
- stain
- stamp
- stare
- start
- stay
- steer
- step
- stir
- stitch
- stop
- store
- strap
- strengthen
- stretch
- strip
- stroke
- stuff
- subtract
- succeed
- suck
- suffer
- suggest
- suit
- supply
- support
- suppose
- surprise
- surround
- suspect
- suspend
- switch
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