Abstract nouns explained with examples English grammar lesson
Learning about abstract nouns English lesson
During this grammar lesson you will learn what abstract nouns are and how to recognise them,
What are abstract nouns?
Common Nouns are:- name, people, places or things that are not specific. One of the classes of a noun is called an abstract noun. Your five senses that are enable to detect them.
cannot see them cannot hear them cannot taste them cannot smell them cannot feel them.
Examples of abstract verbs
love, wealth, happiness, pride, fear, religion, belief, history, communication
Read the following example
When Jason dived into the river to rescue a cat that was drowning, his bravery amazed the family of the cat who standing on the river bank.
What was the abstract noun in the example?
Bravery, one of the nouns used in the example, is an abstract noun. You can see Jason, the water, and the family. But you cannot see bravery itself.
Why is bravery an abstract noun?
Bravery has no colour, size, shape, sound, odour, flavour, or texture. You cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, bravery so it is an abstract noun.
Remember that any noun that is not one of your five senses it is an abstract noun.
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