A list of Prepositions from A to Z and types of relationships
What will I learn from the list of prepositions
This lesson shows a list of prepositions from A to Z for you to use as a reference guide. The first part lesson shows some of the relationships they can have.
What relationships can prepositions have?
A preposition shows what the relationship is between the object and other words that are in the same sentence.
Some of the that prepositions can be used to show relationships that express place or position, time, manner, direction, and agent.
Examples of relationships
The letter is on the desk. (place or position)
The man ran towards the park. (direction)
The man arrived at five o'clock. (time)
He travels by taxi. (manner)
The website was written by her. (agent)
List of prepositions from A to Z
about above across after against along alongside amid among amongst around as aside astride at atop
before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by |
concerning considering
down during
excepting excluding
following for from |
including inside into
nearby next notwithstanding
off on onto opposite outside over |
per plus
through throughout till times to toward towards |
underneath unlike until unto up upon
within without worth |
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Lessons that are related to the exercise
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