All about Easy Pace Learning
What is Easy pace learning?
Easy Pace Learning is a website that is free to allow anyone to start learning English. We have tried to make the website easy to use to help make learning English easy and enjoyable.
Why was the Easy Pace Learning website built?
Easy Pace Learning was started as a college project in 2011. The website was only going to be live for the duration of the HND course. Whilst building the website it came to our attention that a lot of people wanted to learn English and most importantly free.
A lot of time has been spent building and maintaining
A lot of time as gone into making the website, it as taken thousands of hours just to prepare the lessons alone. We hope that you will find the web site useful and most importantly easy to use. Sometimes if you don't like something or think we could improve something please tell us. We try and produce new lessons on a regular basis, if you don't see a lesson of your choice, please tell us and we will do our best to add it to the website within one week.
You can follow us on....
You can follow us on Twitter, Google plus and Facebook. We will always try and reply to all messages as soon as possible.
How many lessons are there?
There are over sixty lessons available at present for you to choice from:
Basic English level one
English level 1 is for people with little or no experience of the English language. The first few lessons start with learning the alphabet and numbers, then you start learning some basic words.
Basic English level two
English level 2 is slightly more difficult then basic English level 1. A wide range of topics such as money, greetings, seasons and the months of the year are covered in depth for you to start learning.
Basic English level three
English level 3 is currently the hardest level, but if you have completed all the lessons so far you differences is only small from level 2.
Learning English grammar, this level you will only be learning English grammar, we recommend that you do each lesson one after another. English grammar lessons cover past present and future tense, verbs. Easy Pace Learning will be adding a lot of grammar lessons in the next few months so keep checking or send a request for a lesson if you don't see what you want we will add the lesson within 1 week. Whilst reading each lesson try to think about the explanation that is given. Try not to worry to much or get obsessed about English grammar as it is only a small part of the English language, above have fun learning the English language.